Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Get Naked to Stop Global Warming!

"It's a hell of a way to overheat!"

Yes, we are promoting nudity for the sake of the environment. Call us crazy but we think it's worth it! Think about the fact that we come into this world with nothing, and we leave with nothing. We are ultimately and uncontrollably vulnerable to the elements around us. Our clothing does not protect us from global warming. Nudity does however express our vulnerability.

We are currently looking for individuals all over the United States who are also interested in getting naked, and to help with a promotion, for a Get Naked! protest and awareness photo event, in 2010.

On June 5, 2010 photos will be taken in front of environmental sites of interest. These do not have to be negative sites. Just sites of environmental interest.

Examples include:
  • Smoke stacks
  • Green or environmentally friendly buildings and homes
  • A herd of cattle
  • A river
  • A glacier
  • A strip mine
  • The Ocean

The primary focus is not the nudity but the state of the environment, the surrounding areas, and human efforts to stop global warming. When these photos are clicked on they will be directed to a site discussing the environmental conditions of the specific or similar areas and how this effects the future. Captions for the pictures will include a brief story about the individual and their motivation to complete the projects is also being considered but will not be mandatory. Creative and tasteful photos are encouraged.

If you are interested, the official deadline for the event promotion is this year on August 10th 2009. All promotional photos must be tasteful and should not show inappropriate parts. Details and specific questions regarding photos and photography will be addressed at a later date. We will of course post our photos earlier. We are looking for representatives from all 50 states and countries around the world.

For the photo event next year full nudity will be required but the goal is is showing vulnerability to the elements we are surrounded by. The one of the inspirations for this event was the video below and the work of the artist Spencer Tunick in collaboration with Greenpeace:

If you care about your environment and want to get some attention for global warming, then I encourage you to use this opportunity to spread awareness and education about this very important issue and well, have some fun!


The Sexy-Green Staff!

BTW: Since Spencer Tunick's photography is one of our inspirations for this idea. We would love it if everyone who saw this video would visit his website @ spencertunick.com.